Thursday 1 December 2011

Enough of that not working carry-on!

After yesterday's excitement of collective action, today I have endured the shock of returning to work marking assignments. I am slowly working my way through them, but fear I will be telling you about them for a little while yet.  Still, it is an unexpected Christmas bonus.  Before I settled down to wielding the green pen (and then the red one for a change!) I took Bella out.  Just up the road - a house I walk past every day - I noticed these physalis flowers and thought they were rather magnificent in their laciness.
Also noticed this rose I must have walked past loads of times.
 The sky was quite stunning 
 Another display of lichen, this time on a kerb stone
 By the time I got round the corner, the sky had changed again.
 I've never seen a laptop left out for recycling/ rubbish before - a sign of the times.
 I was taken by this leaf
 On the way home the skies darkened dramatically.
 Heard this morning that I have the go ahead for Su & I to stay in a decent hotel in Hong Kong when we go in February, so please with that (as is Su, who has been all over TripAdvisor listings for HK hotels for weeks).  Wielded the coloured pen and totted up marks through till late afternoon, when we took Bella down to the vets on the mean streets of Bath (Julian Road in fact.) Hopefully, this new batch of medicine will sort out her early morning fidgeting.
 Back home to a spot more marking until Su persuaded me to call it a day - not much argument there, especially as a glass of wine was the next move!

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