Wednesday 15 February 2012

Early Birthday

Out with Bella this morning on an overcast, but mild morning. This car wing-mirror reflected Bella's lead.
More discarded hand wear - this time a pair of fingerless mittens, that I thought at first were a pair of socks.
On the pavement, this glinted at me.  Little did I know then what was to come later in the day… 
The thesis for the PhD candidate I am examining in Dublin in March arrived this morning. Pleased to see that I had been promoted!
Talking of matters of research, thanks to blog commenters explaining that yesterday's "Bath-Sun-Fire" plaque was an example of a a fire insurance mark. Apparently, in the early days of fire insurance each insurer had its own fire brigade, and they would only deal with fires in buildings that showed their own company's mark!

Su went out on a shopping run, one errand being to find a USB cable for her new phone - unsuccessfully as it happens.  Why don't the manufacturers include them in the box? I ran the hoover around in advance of Ben & Lena coming down for the afternoon.  They surprised me with pink "60"balloons, a suitably insulting card and lovely presents. And it's not my birthday until next week! My brother had already sent me a lovely card and present, so I am doing OK.
After a lovely slap-up lunch, I was surprised again by this yummy chocolate cake with great candles!
After a cup of coffee, Ben and I went out for a stroll with Bella up to Charlcombe Church, which has masses of snowdrops in flower in the graveyard.
Lovely skies on the walk back home. Ben & Lena have now headed back up to Birmingham. I've tracked down a cable for Su's phone (good old Maplin's), and then we can get packed for our flight to Hong Kong tomorrow - Gulp! I'll do my best to post reports en route, but probably not in the air!
This day last year, Su was being a tourist in Widcombe - a part of Bath we didn't know very well.  She found a medieval church and Quaker graveyard, as well as managing a coffee in Prior Park garden centre.

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