Tuesday 24 January 2012


Late start today. Su went off to explore the joys of Ikea and other retail emporia, while I got ready for a house viewing. Went to bring the van up from down the road - thought this militarily precise hedge trimming needed sharing with the world!
Developed another migraine aura just before the viewing, so took one of my magic tablets plus some aspirin and waited for it to go.  It disappeared and I even managed to get a bit of work done before we had another viewing at short notice. They were here for ages so maybe they will make an offer... Then took Bella out into the grey and misty murk. This holly is still smothered with berries, and the birds were singing away - not like January at all.
For some reason, this stack of twigs appealed to me - maybe an after effect of migraine altered perception?
The views I have shown of late with sunshine and blue skies were severely dismal today... 
A splash of colour in a front garden with three different varieties of heather shone through the greyness.
This day a year ago, Su wrote on the blog
"Was just about to go upstairs to bed when I realised I'd not done this blog today.... One success - bought cheap tickets to Gatwick Airport ."

Don't know where the train picture came from...

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