Tuesday 15 November 2011

Invaded by a Mandolin...

... or more precisely by a "telemando", as Bob Lang corrected me when I mistakenly referred to it as a "mandostrat". Su wisely got well out of earshot (to Bristol!) while Bob and I reconstituted 2/3 of Left At The Lights for a few hours noodling about - until, in the words of John Lennon on The White Album "I've got blisters on my fingers". As Bob has a free Tuesday every other week (what are they paying him for at UWE :-)?), we have made a pact to meet again in two weeks and consider playing in public as a duo (unless Frank, our bass player returns to Earth in the interim!).
 After a pleasant lunch in Coffee@Camden, Bob headed off back to the wilds of Nailsea while Bella and I headed out into the sunny-ish late afternoon.  Berries are still in abundance on bushes and trees...
 And leaves are mainly on the ground by now, although some are still hanging on to the end...
 This is a newly renovated garage, which is actually being used to store a car - a most unusual sight!
 There was a glow about the afternoon that lit up the sky.
Su came home with presents for the van (a little saucepan) and for me (clear plastic storage boxes to stash all those books I took off the bookshelves some days ago). All this, and I've managed to upgrade my laptop today as well! Tomorrow I plan to venture into town...


  1. I did not know that garages were for storing cars. I thought they were for freezers and old kitchen cabinets.

  2. I wish I had a gagrage, all my junk is in the spare bedroom... and it's getting crowded...
