Monday 7 April 2014

Flowers, Trip to Town and Evening Glow

Out with Bella this morning, I noticed that our vine has started to leaf up again.
It was a grey and murky morning, with Little Solsbury barely distinguishable in the distance. 
Spotted these bluebells starting to out in the bit of woodland next to Fairfield Park Road.
Evidence of a recent celebration. 
Blossom coming out on the green at the bottom of the road. 
We went down into town, and spotted this pedal-powered transport on the way. 
Down in town, where work on a new plush spa hotel is being done by GallifordTry - hope they do better than try. 
A new shop in town. 
Went in to the temple of Appledom, to discuss the unusual behaviour of my iPod - interesting enough to require a return visit tomorrow morning. 
Pretty sprays of flowers. 
This rosemary bush down at the pub is flowering profusely. 
On my way down to Pilates this evening, my eye was caught by this splash of colour. 
Looking down at Larkhall, with St Saviours Church lit up by the early evening sun. 
 Beneath the now visible Little Solsbury, Bailbrook also gleamed in the sunlight.
A psychedelic oil spill on the road. 
My destination for Pilates - St Saviours Church.
This day a year ago, we went over to Nailsea for lunch with Barbara and Richard followed by a walk on the moor where we spotted this balloon trapped in a tree.

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