Saturday 2 October 2010

It's the Weekend!

I promise not to moan about work today (apart from replying to Greg's comment of two days ago, when he asked."Sounds grim. But do you really want to be paid enough to go away quite yet?" I am not ready to leave yet, unless they offer me far more than they will!)

Today has been really relaxing - Su went off to have lunch with her sister while I stayed in bed and read the paper all morning, not getting downstairs until 1.30! Some of the time upstairs, I was following up some links that Su sent me about people spending a year in a camper van driving around Europe, with details of how they funded it, while I reciprocated with links about de-cluttering life.

I watched a bit of "Never Say Never Again" on the TV, before taking Bella out for a walk at one of my favourite places near Bath - up on Lansdown, past the racecourse and golf course, looking over towards Keynsham (K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M for all you former Radio Luxembourg listeners!).  Up there you can see over to the Bristol Channel and to Wales, and see the foul weather coming at you from miles away!  Today I saw the old Severn bridge, but the new one wasn't visible.

Autumn is on its way, even though dandelions are still flowering up there.  I found this mushroom, and wondered does anyone know what it is?:-)

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