Monday 10 February 2014

A Murky Day in Hong Kong

Had a day off teaching today, and actually managed to get a decent night's sleep in synchrony with this time zone! Weather is grey and cold (but not as cold as UK) so I've hung out at the hotel except for a stroll around the immediate environs of the hotel. Wandered over to this area I know from previous visits.
Even open spaces are no smoking in Hong Kong - and they have dinosaurs in the science museum. 
Smoking is allowed in some public areas - normally just around these orange bins 
Remnants of New Year decorations are still around, a week after the event. 
I revisited this square, which has lots of these feet all over it - didn't find one for Bath! 
Through a gap in the towers of yet another shopping plaza, I spotted the Hotel Icon where we stayed when in Hong Kong two years ago.
Every lift - even this one up to a walkway - has its laminated permit. 
Had a look at the harbour, but it was quite cool so I didn't linger…
Evidence of some celebration on the steps. 
I like the conjuncton of sign and smoking bin. 
The streets of Hong Kong are amazingly clean - largely due to the efforts of a small army of (mainly) women who sweep the streets with their big brooms
Beware the rat! 
Beware the broken seat! 
Don't know if this bar is named after the climate or the state it seeks to induce in its clients. 
Our hotel, complete with bamboo scaffolding on the roof for the renovation of the swimming pool (which I had hoped would be open).
Now, There's a personalised numberplate! 
I liked this arrangement of items all lined up.
So good they had to give it two numberplates. 
The skies briefly brightened up… 
Later on, met up with one of my former music technology students, Hywel Jenkins and we went to a Thai restaurant with interesting light fittings.
Good to catch up with how he's doing five years after leaving UWE - now teaching in mainland China and very respectable:-) 
That's enough of time off - tomorrow we start a stint of six days straight teaching before another day off.  I'll do my best to photograph my food before I scoff the lot (like tonight) so Jenine can see it:) Will also show the college and routes to it when next I post.  Till then, it's back over to the lovely Su.

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