Wednesday 11 May 2011

Went down into town first thing (for me, but not for Su who was awake really early today and so she has crashed out already tonight) to pick up my new glasses.  I've worn them all day and forgotten about them most of the time. After a cup of coffee and a read of the paper I managed to catch the infrequent and expensive bus back up the hill and got a couple of hours marking under my belt.

I soon had enough of that so I took Bella for an early walk up to my favourite place past the golf course.

At last I remembered to take enough pictures to make a proper panorama of the views from both sides of the hill, using the great iPhone app Autostitch.

This view is of Lansdown Hill , scene of a Civil War battle site (or rather the English Revolution, as Wendy remarked last week).

(for Greg to enjoy...)
After this, it was off to UWE for a meeting to discuss the organising of a research development day next month between our Faculty and the Digital Cultures Research Centre.  Picked up exam scripts to add to my pile of marking (I get another batch next Tuesday for my sins!).

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