Tuesday 27 September 2011

The weather's warming up - time to do some more painting!

Dropped Su into town to meet up with Patsi this morning, and then I came home and started wielding the paintbrush.  I'll be glad when we go on holiday, but this dry weather is too good an opportunity to miss for slapping on a fresh layer on some more surfaces around the house.

After a few hours of this it started to warm up, so Bella and I went off up for a walk to our frequent haunt.
 Despite the warming weather, this thistle thinks that Autumn is here
 Clouds finally starting to move off
 Buttercups think it's Spring again.
Bella found a golf ball, and made short work of it.  I still had to throw the mashed up remains around for her, of course.
 The third crop of hay from this field this Summer. 
 Sunlight dappling through the woods
The view out of our back window this evening.  Looks like the clouds have gone, and the weather truly is set fair. Predicted to be 25ºC here tomorrow.

Tonight I am off to Bristol to meet up with Dan Buzzo, recently returned from a conference in Istanbul, and now occupant of my former office desk at UWE.

1 comment:

  1. I love the little gifts of days like this during autumn but thought you were creating a masterpiece when you said painting rather than doing what I probably should and painting walls.
