Saturday 2 July 2011

Adjusting to the UK

Luckily, it's quite warm so it hasn't been too much of a shock returning from 36C+ temperatures! Here are some photographs of Siena from Wednesday, when the horses were being chosen for today's running of the Palio around the Campo.  Lots drumming, parading, singing and general high jinks from the excited Sienese contrada members!

These pictures are from our walk around Volterra on Thursday, with the tidiest anarchist symbol I have ever seen, evidence of possible Banksy visitation and other ephemera that caught my eye.

Up bright and early this morning and out with Bella before coming home to admire our garden.

After breakfast, I went shopping for pesto and other essential ingredients.  On this afternoon's walk with Bella, saw this perfect example of natural symmetry, before coming home via our little patch of allotment nearby with a crop of beetroot.

Down to the full-sized allotment tomorrow! Tonight Bella and I are off to a former UWE colleague's 60th birthday bash, who is a bit of a DeadHead as his party invite shows...
Su is fagged out from touring Tuscany and a long day of gardening so she's having an early night!

1 comment:

  1. He's gone to party wearing his Che Guevara t-shirt.....that's the real reason why Bella is with him and I am not!!
