Also saw a couple of big army trucks like this - last minute deployments to the Olympics?
A great old car.
I wondered if this lurking chap was debating whether or not to get a(nother?) tattoo… Great name for the tattoo parlour (King Pin).
This unusual shaped building on the corner of Julian Road and River's Street has some old sign-painting on the top floor…
… the "Old Red House" (Jimi Hendrix song coming on:-)?).
Today seemed to be a roadworks day - these up by the Royal United Hospital were the second lot we encountered on our wandering around Bath.
Took in a couple of garden centres - These were spotted at Hilliers, which seemed to be into artefacts of dubious taste…
If you're patriotic, I'm sure you wouldn't want to sit on the Union Jack?
Gnome-tastic with swans!

Meerkat frenzy taken to new heights/depths…
Went to Prior Park Garden Centre after this - via the new bus station.
Back at home, noticed that the water lilies have come out in next door's pond.
In our garden, this delicate clematis has survived the predations of the slugs and snails so far.
It finally cooled off enough to take Bella out for a walk about 6.30 - hydrangea flower caught my eye.
What a great name for a car dealer - boing and time for bed (for all you Magic Roundabout fans)!
As the sun slowly started its descent, I cast a giant shadow.
I'd gone out in my trainers, but managed to cross the stream twice without getting them wet - thanks in large part to these logs.

This day a year ago, we were up at Westonbirt where we saw these purple pine cones with silvery leaves.
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