Tuesday, 12 June 2012

North and SouthWest of Bath

No rain today. Up early-ish to take Bella out before Tudor the plumber arrived to fix our tap - except he didn't come until this evening (when he still couldn't fix it!). Su has the joys of going to IKEA tomorrow to get a replacement. This red robin is benefiting from all the rain.
Went up to Westonbirt with our friend Carol and Hattie, the dog she is sitting for a couple of weeks. There was plenty of space to park the van.
Some flowers on shrubs and trees to brighten the grey morning.
This is Neilliia Thibetica, according to the label.
A double Philadeplphus in full flower
Great branch and leaf formation on this tree.
Acers in full leaf very early this year
These rhododendrons were a splash of brightness.
Magnolia flower going to pop any day now, if there's some sun.
Bee orchids, according to Carol.  There were lots of them about, but the bees seemed more interested in nettle flowers.
An old oak tree still putting out leaves, despite having lost loads of its growth and slumping into the ground.
One of a couple of displays we came across on the side of The Link.
Hattie and Bella waiting for Su and Carol to return from a visit to the newly refurbished Westonbirt plant centre.
After coming back to Bath, we set off for a visit to Timsbury. As we left Bath, the skies started to clear and the sun came out.
An interesting example of stone carving (not sure what it signifies).
The Square.
Timsbury Post Office (proprietor S. Pun) and Timsbury Pharmacy (Proprietor M. Pun)
A grand Georgian house on High Street.
The Old Police House.
Former shops on the corner of The Square.
This day a year ago, Su wondered if the rain would ever stop, while I impersonated a gargoyle as we took in some of Widcombe Arts Trail.


  1. I remember the last photo but still can't be sure which is you.

  2. In true Private Eye style, I'm the one on the left...
