While at the port, I popped into Symi Visitor who have amazingly managed to sort out getting us a new water heater really quickly - Nicholas and his helper are outside fitting the replacement as I write - on a Sunday morning! Mind you, the insistent church bells make sleeping late unlikely...
After catching the bus back up the hill and having some lunch, we meandered down into Pedi and wandered round the bay. It was beautifully calm and peaceful there - in other words everything was still shut and not much life about, apart from this stunningly attired goat.

- Posted using BlogPress from Marcus' iPad
Nice to see Pedi looking so green, something we never see in September. Very sad to see Fotino's place looking so unloved. I remember him painting that cake mural. I used to spend hours sitting with him at his little bar, exchanging the odd word every half hour or so. I still miss those times even though he's been dead for many years now,