Bath was grey and overcast this morning, so we decided to try our luck elsewhere today. It was also about time that the van had a decent outing, so we set off for the coast.
We got to Brean, and - miraculously - the tide was actually in, and waves visible on the surface! The sun and blue skies were also in evidence.
Su demonstrating her "robust knee".

The beach was covered in worm casts
The play of sunlight on the sea, sand and Bella.
Looking away from the sea is the static caravan park, quiet at the moment but busy much of the year.
We parked the van right down on the beach. We enjoyed a sandwich and a brew while appreciating the view.
The beach at Brean regularly features on local news bulletins - people ignore these warnings, some driving their cars into the mud. The lucky ones get them towed out before they get submerged.
The sunset was glorious
And from on top of the Mendips on the way home.
Who knows where we'll end up tomorrow?! Travel discussions continue - no firm decisions yet on our next direction...
I am envious of you getting away for the day; Bath was indeed grey but managed to brighten up a little after noon. I like the shot of the van made orange in the sun.