Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Just a walk in the park…

… or two, as it turned out. Under grey skies, we got out for some fresh air on Sunday and Monday. Victoria Park has been furnished with lots of new picnic benches.
Nice weather for ducks.
A confident squirrel, trying to find that nut…
A once mighty weeping lime tree stood here.
Unfortunately, it had to be chopped down.
A dogwood tribute?
Further along in the Botanic Gardens, a lovely name for a tree
Bath W.I. exhibition area
Signs of Spring!
I saw a wrinkly face in this gnarled tree bark - but it might just be me.
A lonely skewed signpost in the middle of the grass drew our attention

Although it is now muddy threadbare patch, the promise is of a wildflower meadow…
Positive advice!
On our next visit to the park, we came in through a side gate and admired the adornments on top of the former gate pillars.
An indeterminate beast behind the shield...
This one with sword on shield is a definite lion.
Hope these people were reunited with their documents…
I was at UWE today to see my music technology final year project students. Spotted this on a Student Union display - it's an acronym for Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance week…
Winners of a disability poster competition
Tomorrow, our walking promises to be in torrential rain and wind - I can't wait!

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