An overcast day this morning, but not as cold as recent days. A leisurely breakfast and read of the paper followed by a spot of getting ready for Hong Kong (getting closer - we go in four days' time!). Took Bella out for an earlier stroll than usual, and spotted this new sticker on Charlcombe Lane from Froglife. We are coming up to the annual road closure to protect migrating amphibians, that Su wrote about last year.

By the church, strategically placed bags of rocksalt were in evidence.
Down at the bottom of the valley, came across this improvised shelter that Bella checked out.
Another garage that is not used for storing pile of stuff, and actually looks like it might house a vehicle!
Gave Bella a first instalment on her tea, and then we drove over to Bristol, through a gradually brightening sky.
By the time we got to the centre of Bristol, the sun had broken through the cloud cover to illuminate the trees and buildings.
Our destination! We couldn't wait for some dim sum until we get to Hong Kong (where some of the staff hail from, so we got some tips as to where to go for good food).
After a slap-up feed, and feeling very happy we headed back to Bath, through gradually pinking skies as the sun began to set.
This day a year ago, I had formally submitted my request for voluntary severance from UWE the day before. We celebrated by going to Westonbirt in very different weather conditions to yesterday!I promised a review of "The Descendants", which we saw on Friday night. The fact that I forgot to do so yesterday tells you the overall impression it made. Although the acting was good and the photography was OK, seeing George Clooney play a comfortably rich character with no edge to him was less engaging than some of his other films (e.g. "Michael Clayton"). The storyline was mildly convoluted (but not very satisfyingly so - it could have either been more focused or more complicated) with issues that got resolved too easily. On balance it left us feeling rather disengaged, and quite disappointed after all the build-up. I wouldn't have nominated it for an Oscar (but what do I know?).
Tomorrow, we head down into town to do a few errands before we head off to Asia.
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