The Bath Little Theatre has what they delicately call "Silver Screen" twice a week for the over 55's. It's only £3.75 including coffee or tea and a biscuit. I always feel a bit guilty going to these showings as I feel I ought to be doing something more productive in daylight hours. Anyway, today I succumbed and sat in the front seat with my earl grey and a custard cream to watch Eat, Pray, Love starring Julia Roberts who plays part of middle-class, 30-something New Yorker doing some navel-gazing in Rome, "India" and Bali. She spent most of the film crying and hugging people but I couldn't feel the remotest bit of sympathy as she obviously has loads of dosh to be able to take a year out and stay in such fantastic places! Envious? Just a bit - the travelling that is, not just the gorgeous Spanish bloke she lands up with!
But it's pretty fantastic here too this afternoon as the cloud has cleared, the sun is out and everything I can see through my window is golden and deep, deep green.
(Not the above pic - just thought you'd like to see it)
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