It has been a beautiful day. This morning, went to pick up the van from the VW garage, and continued to part with money by going to Homebase, then Sainsburys - which had a surfeit of union jack bunting.
I went to the Co-op as well to complete my hat-trick of shops before coming home and parking the van.
Inside, the sun coming through the glass over our front door - filtered through vine leaves - made an interesting pattern on the floor.
Had lunch in the garden sitting under the dappled shade of a birch tree with Bella at my feet.
Our gaura is doing very well, and loves the sun.
This clematis keeps flowering.
We thought this acer had died. Su chopped it right back and it has recovered very well. Sometimes being brutal with plants is the best thing to do (but not always…).

Our climbing rose showing off its lovely flowers.
The sedum is coming on very well.
We all went out for a walk into the perfect afternoon - clear blue skies again. Looking forward to many more of these when we get to Symi in 10 days time
The reign of the umbellifers is coming to an end as they are starting to die back.
One of the recently mowed fields in Charlcombe valley.
Came home to a display of spiders' webs on our front gate. Lots of them about at the moment - guess it's the time of year and the angle of the sun changing.
This day a year ago, we went to Trowbridge for some camping chairs and other stuff before taking ourselves off to Wells to The Good Earth for a yummy lunch.
We are off out to the pictures tonight to see "Anna Karenina" with Keira Knightly and Jude Law at the Little Theatre. Review tomorrow.
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