Thursday 6 January 2011


Dragged myself out of my pit, had shower and decided that I'm bored with being "ill" so have been busying myself looking through a pile of old magazines and other memorabilia found at my mother's flat after she died a few years ago. Amused myself with a 1966 Sunday Times colour supplement showing the latest fashions. Could have been in last week's edition they're so up-to-date....only difference is the price and the quality. In the 60's I bought dresses (minis of course) which were 100% cotton or wool. Same with woollies. No fleeces then of course but lovely machine-made woollen jumpers, cardigans etc. These clothes were all within my clothing budget and I only earned £5 a week tops!
Also came across one of my mother's utility bills dated 1950 for two orders of our coal order came yesterday and cost considerably more I thought you'd like to see the one from when I was 6 months old........

1 comment:

  1. Pleased you rallied, Su, despite Marcus abandoning you to go off drinking with his pals after you'd tended to his fevered brow. Mind you, man flu is definitely worse than a feminine sneeze or two... ;0)
