Dragged iM off on another outing today but not so much walking this time! He's looking very well on all the exercise so I must be doing something right. We went down to Chew Valley Lakes again which was quiet and ABSOLUTELY FREEZING. Swift stroll and stick throwing (that's for Bella) followed by hasty retreat to cafe for egg and chips. Gazing out over the water was reminiscent of trips to distant and much warmer lands which naturally led us to talk again of removing ourselves to be elsewhere. Mind you I've really loved being in England this autumn as it's been mostly dry and sunny, not too cold (apart from today) and as everyone knows by now, the colours have been stunning. BUT it's not always like this. Anyway, we decided that we're no nearer deciding what to do so talked instead about converting our bathroom (which has the best view from our house as long as you're sitting on the loo) into a small sitting room with french windows and a balcony. The room which is now iM's office would become the bathroom. Would it be worth the hassle and the money? Well it depends on the cost of course and how long we'd be without a loo!
Hasn't Marcus learned how to chase and return sticks yet?